
Source: link here
{Image Description: Black & White portrait of a woman sitting on the floor on her legs around dead flower petals facing opposite from the camera.}


A spoken word poem

Time flies by. Other days it goes slower.
I wait and am always told: be patient.
Be patient for acceptance
Be patient for understanding
Be patient for the privileged majority.

And so I sit here, wondering, pondering:
When is it enough?
What is enough?
When will dehumanizing end?
How will this happen?

Education is rooted in ableism, racism, and other -isms
Why does it matter?
What is the point?
Why is it worth fighting?
Abled and Neurotypical fragility at its finest.

I have been patient for too long.
I had let folks trample on me growing up.
I was silent around my abusive family most of my childhood.
Patience is for the privileged majority
Patience is for folks who breathe in comfort.

I hold space for myself so I can for others.
Others refuse to accept my neurology.
Others refuse to do the hard work.
Time. Time is not enough. 
Time is running out.

While my friends beg for money on the streets and are dying.
While my friends are being denied vaccines.
While people die every single day.
While my community mourns.

While hospital bills keep rising.
While Fascists run amok.
While women are being assaulted
While Black and Indigenous folk experience racism

While Queer folks are killed by Fascists
While Disabled people die in hospitals


 When will this wake you up?
When will this get you to act now?
When will you listen?
The time is now while you want patience.
Patience is a micro-aggression.

I'm done being patient.
